CS111 Spring 2022

Introduce yourself

Hello! You're viewing this page because your instructor, Profs Anderson, Davis, Lee, Mawhorter, Mustafaraj and Turbak, wants to get to know the students enrolled in CS111 Spring 2022.

You’re going to answer a few questions, then submit a brief video introduction.

Your video and information will be kept private— only your instructor can see it.

A message from your instructor

Welcome to CS111 Spring 2022! Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself. We look forward to working with you this semester. -Profs Anderson, Davis, Lee, Mawhorter, Mustafaraj and Turbak

Questions from your instructor

* Required fields
This will be used to label your introduction. Enter only one name. If you go by multiple names, or want to add pronunciation tips, you can explain in the open-ended question below.